BOIP implements Back Office for Designs - news

BOIP implements Back Office for Designs - news

    BOIP implements Back Office for Designs

    The Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP) has gone live with the Software Package Back Office for Designs tool, developed by the Cooperation Fund.

    The first application has already been received and processed by the new system.

    This implementation is result of substantial effort and close collaboration between OHIM and BOIP.

    With this implementation, total number of 12 tools has been implemented by BOIP office within the CF framework.

    BOIP has completed the implementation of the registration part of the tool. In the second phase starting from 2016 will continue work on the other components such as the recordals lifecycle as well as renewal and expiration automations. The new system will then support the complete lifecycle of designs; will facilitate application examination, and will speed up the processing of design registrations.

    Seven IP offices across the EU are already using the Back Office, including the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) and the Polish Patent Office, both of which were pilot offices for the Back Office system and which have defined its core functionalities.

    The overall aim of the Cooperation Fund is to benefit users across the EU by providing modern, state of the art tools and services for EU national and regional offices. With this, total number of implementations in the Fund lifecycle has reached 351.